Hilton Apartments

Hilton WA

This development started by taking an underutilised car parking area and turning into a vibrant Apartment complex, which is adjacent a bustling Bar/ Restaurant/ Bottle shop within the suburb of Hilton. The owner needed to maintain the Bottle shop drive-thru access, which was incorporated into the overall design of the Apartments. The slope on the land was extreme and enabled us to retain most of the car parking and add storage on the base floor. Two-bedroom and Single bedroom dwellings eventuated and will provide for a mix of living conditions within the Apartment complex. A contemporary theme was acquired and facilitated the design in choosing the materials, of face brick, rendered brickwork, glass balustrade and collarbone roofs to name a few. Views to the Fremantle beach areas and Perth City are accessible and add to the many design successes within the Apartment.

Stage: Seeking Planning Approval.

Hilton Apartmentsadmin
  • 0
  • 1.9 K
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